Hello fellow travel lovers. Hope everyone is staying healthy and doing their best to maintain their sanity.
I haven't posted much recently because I haven't had too much to say. Like everyone else who lives and loves to travel, staying home has been tough.
Back when all this craziness began, I was sure I would still be able to go to Turkey and Italy in May. We all know how that turned out.
Then I was hopeful to go to Europe in the fall. Now that isn't happening either.
I'm not holding my breath for a family Thanksgiving in Missouri.
It's weird that I have no hotel or plane reservations right now. I just don't want to plan something only to cancel it again. Once things calm down, I'll throw something together.
Meanwhile, my professional writing has been going well. Here's my latest for The Penny Hoarder about travel insurance in the age of COVID-19. I learned a lot about what it does and does not cover.
Stay safe and healthy. Please wear a mask. Let's get through this.
I'd love to hear from you. How are y'all doing?