There are certain almost ritualistic tasks I go through before heading out on a trip. They may seem routine, but they get me excited because it means I’m about to go somewhere cool.
Vitamin Preparation
I take several vitamins and supplements each day and before I leave, I prepare them.
Instead of taking many bottles, I count out each of the supplements and place them into individual tiny baggies, two for each day.
I put paper towels on my counter, count out the days, place enough of each pill for each day on the towels, and put into the packets. I always take at least four extra days worth of packets. You never know how travel delays might change plans.
All of the vitamin packets go with me in my carry-on.
Master Itinerary
I’m an organized, and some might say overly organized, person. I like to have all my travel details in one document.
Before each trip, I create a Word document with details about everything day by day. For example, I include:
For flights:
- Airline
- Confirmation number
- Flight information
For hotels:
- Hotel name
- Address
- Phone number
- Confirmation number
For tours:
- Tour time
- Meeting point
- Confirmation number
- Amount paid and amount owed
You get the idea.
Once the document is finished, I print it out as well as copy and paste all the details into the calendar entry for the trip on my Google Calendar so I have all of the information I need all in one place.
During the trip, I access these details often and having it on my calendar is really helpful.
The act of creating the itinerary document also makes me realize what I might have forgotten, like figuring out how I am going to get from the airport to a hotel, etc.
This task can also be a check and balance type of thing. While typing the details, I once realized my hotel reservations were for the wrong nights. Luckily, I was able to fix this problem before I walked into the hotel without a reservation.
Printing Documents
Printing my confirmations for a trip is part of my departure preparations. Even though I have most of the information online and saved in my emails and on apps, I like to have printed copies of things like plane itineraries, hotel reservations, and tour tickets.
I print things out, fold them into thirds, write on the front what it is, put them in order, and place them with my passport, cash, and other documents in my document holder.
Retrieving the Suitcase
My suitcases live in my attic, so simply taking the suitcases down is exciting for me. It means departure is imminent.
What tasks are part of your pre-departure routine? Do you get excited butterflies in your stomach by doing them?
Hi! This is such a helpful posting. I have kids, and this is applicable to traveling solo, or with family. Going through the pre-travel itinerary with things like vitamins, flossers for each day, and a description of where and what we expect to do gets kids involved and excited for the upcoming trip (even if it’s only to visit Grandma in Florida!) Thank you!